Case Studies




I had been married to the same man for 10 years, known him for 13. I never thought I would leave him, besides we had a beautiful child together and my life was just perfect – or so I thought. I had been a stay-at-home Mom for many years until I decided to go back to college. I took a class and thought I started having feelings for my professor. I discussed with it my husband because it really got to me, especially since the professor was a female. After consulting with him and another friend, I had decided to laugh it off and let it go. I was completely unaware of the impact that experience was to have on me until…

As I continued my education, I discovered another relationship that truly would change my life forever. I met another woman and the inevitable happened in that I developed and fostered feelings for her that were so strong that I was willing to forsake my wedding vows and expose my daughter to a non-heterosexual relationship. I eventually divorced my husband and nurtured my relationship with my new partner, but I could not let go of the guilty feelings I buried deep inside for the steps that I had taken and the lives that I had affected forever. I felt as though I were dying slowly and painfully inside and I needed to find a way to heal before it became too late. I knew I had to forgive myself for what I had done to those who I had loved most in my life.